Here is what Sri Sri Ravi Shankar or Guruji answers when one follower asks Guruji the meanins of Gayatri Mantra.
Gayatri Mantra & Its Meaning
Body of the Gâyatrî Mantra:
The body of the Gâyatrî Mantra is written as:
The transliterated text is:
om tat savitur vareNyaM
bhargo devasya dhîmahi
dhiyo yo nah prachodayât
Swâmi Shivânanda's translation of the Gâyatrî Mantra is:
We meditate on the glory of the Creator;
Who has created the Universe;
Who is worthy of Worship;
Who is the embodiment of Knowledge and Light;
Who is the remover of all Sin and Ignorance;
May He enlighten our Intellect.
A succinct and delightful translation by S. Krishnamurthy is:
We meditate upon the radiant Divine Light
of that adorable Sun of Spiritual Consciousness;
May it awaken our intuitional consciousness.
Gayatri mantra encompasses the whole universe. There are 24 letters that make Gayatri mantra. There are 24 vertebra in our spinal cord. One is Omkar, two becomes So hum, then like wise 16 and then 24 becomes Gayatri Mantra. Gayathri Mantra is the expansion of that one Omkar. If one is instructed you can can certainly chant the mantra. The meaning of the Gayatri mantra is, let the divinity sink through my intellect. Let our life be purified. But again if you just say Om, that also means the same. SEE MORE